Beginning January 1, 2023, Expert payment terms will be changing. Review the FAQs here.
Many projects will have expenses associated with them. Our intuitive processes are designed to support this. If you do not anticipate incurring any expenses during the project, enter $0.00 in this field in the proposal.
Expense Submissions
Experts should estimate expenses in their Proposal. To receive reimbursement for expenses submitted during the ongoing engagement, client approval is required.
To submit expenses for an ongoing engagement:
- Use the expense tool in the workspace
- Provide line item details and supporting receipts when appropriate
- Check with their client to determine if there are any additional requirements for expense submission
- Submit for approval, triggering an email to the client to approve
- Consider sending an additional note to the client, encouraging them to promptly approve the request
Catalant will then process the reimbursement to the expert, per our current payment terms. Catalant does not retain a fee for expense reimbursements.